Help me decide which new product line(s) to add.
There are a few products I am considering adding to the Kismet web site and I would love to get your feedback on which one(s) you would prefer. Feel free to leave your choices in the comments area.
25mm Kismet tiles
These glass tiles are larger than anything we currently offer. These are just under 1 inch by 1 inch. They come in the same color palette as regular Kismet tiles (8mm, 12mm, penny rounds, belli buttons, mini rounds, rectangles, and triangles). They only come in gloss finish.
4 oz price range: $3.25-$8.50
Stained Glass Petals
These petals come in a mix of 2 sizes—small are about 1 1/2” long by 5/8” wide, large petals are about 2” long by 2/3” wide. They are cut from variegated stained glass and come in a variety of colors.
Prices would range by color from $2.99/$4.05 for 1 oz to $11.60/$16.20 for 4 oz.
2 Irregular Tile Options
Kismet Glass
These tiles are in the same color palette as regular Kismet tiles (8mm, 12mm, penny rounds, belli buttons, mini rounds, rectangles, and triangles). They only come in gloss finish.
4 oz price range: $2.80-$7.16
These come in the same color palette and thickness as other ceramic tiles and come in irregular shapes.
4 oz price range: $4.36-$5.56
I love them all and use all of them. But if I have to make a decision the 25MM Kismets would be first and then the Ceramic Irregular would be my choices.
I like the lime because you can use a larger size and they may cut better due to size. I like the navy because it is different shapes which I use any shape that will fit the piece I’m working on. I have purchased petal and leaf shapes in ceramic before and used them a lot, I would like to use the, in glass
Both irregulars in dark blues would be nice. BTW, when are classes starting??
Love them all.
I also like them all, not a bad choice in there, in my opinion. I do most of my work with small pieces, so cutting is the usual. That said, I think I’d be very tempted to buy the larger 25mm squares, as it gives the opportunity for longer slices. I’d also evaluate which option gives the most glass per $. I think the petals are lovely, and I’d use those uncut for background coverage for sure! But perhaps they are the most “specialty” item on your list. The two items of variable size-shape are long overdue in the mosaic world. I think they could be a solid bet for items to carry knowing they will sell predictably. I think beginners, teachers and people who struggle with, or don’t like to cut all their pieces would find them useful. I often have kids around for projects and I can see myself having a selection of these on hand for that reason. I would choose the glass since it would be applicable for both interior and exterior projects. I find the lightweight ceramic can crack or flake glaze easily in freeze thaw conditions. So based on my own use I’d rank them 1. glass odd shapes 2. 25mm sqs 3.. petals 4. ceramic odd shapes